ZCO was present at the 2024 IPRF World Championship as event sponsor with both CEO Robert Artwohl and US staff on site

ZCO would like to extend our appreciation to all the competitors who participated in the 2nd International Precision Rifle Federation, Centrefire World Championship in Colorado Between September 13th and 16th A special thank you goes out to the 51 competitors who chose to use our optics during the match. We are truly honoured to have been trusted by so many, so many that it made us the most represented scope brand at the event.

This is a significant milestone for us, and as a young company we sincerely thank you. To quote Sheriff Todd Rowell at the opening ceremony: “Thank you for demanding more out of yourself”

An extra congratulations to the podium finishers who competed using ZCO:

Factory Division
2nd: Keith Rudasil (USA)
Junior Division
2nd: Trygve Sowa (USA)
Ladies Division
3rd: Allison Zane (USA)
Military/Law Enforcement Division
1st: Kahl Harmon (USA)
Open Division
2nd: Austin Orgain (USA)”

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